The entire buzz around the iPad and the Kindle should have Internet marketers jumping for joy. That’s because for years, we’ve been talking about the coming revolution in self-publishing. Ebooks have been a staple for information marketers but the big publishers were not buying the concept until it went “mainstream”. Amazon publishing efforts through its Kindle division is making a difference as well as the growing number of reader’s looing to compete. The iPad has made reading ebooks cool to the public although far more Kindle owners use their machine for that purpose.

There are a few issues to consider when publishing your work through Amazon’s publishing systems; how do you want to be perceived? How many options do you want to give your audience? What price points are going to make you the most money? Many marketing experts look at a single product and break it down into market segments. For example, an information product on fat burning systems for men over 50 sells as an ebook, a hard cover with photos, a paperback and an audiobook.

Amazon’s publishing systems supports all these variations. A self-publisher can make money on all price points because there will be an audience for each variation of the product. Amazon’s model appears to be working as e-book sales are growing fast, but as color e-book readers appear the type of e-books available will change to incorporate more expensive illustrated non-fiction titles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5632222


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