Publicity is crucial to book sales. Unfortunately, many publishers are cutting back on marketing. Your book may be the best thing since sliced bread, but I guarantee that sliced bread will get more publicity. What can you do if you don’t have the money to hire a marking firm? Here are some ideas to get your book and name noticed.

GO THE COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ROUTE. Colleges and universities are always looking for speakers. It there is a college or university in your town contact the Library Director and offer to speak. Follow-up by delivering an information packet about your book to the library.

CONTACT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Public libraries offer free presentations and seminars to the public. Call the Program Director and offer to speak about your book. Be precise. “I will speak for a half hour, answer questions, and provide handouts.” The library schedule may already be full and, if this is the case, ask the library to put your name on next year’s list.

TAP SERVICE CLUBS. Every community has service groups and you should find a list of them in the phone book. Select a few groups, contact them, and offer to speak at early morning, noon time, and evening meetings. Before you call, make sure your presentation has a snappy title and broad appeal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/312694


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